Bai Ling MBTI性格类型


"Bai Ling是什么人格? Bai Ling是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的4w3 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Bai Ling (Chinese: 白灵, born October 10, 1966) is a Chinese-American actress known for her work in the films The Crow, Nixon, Red Corner, Crank: High Voltage, Dumplings, Wild Wild West, Anna and the King, Southland Tales, and Maximum Impact, as well as TV shows Entourage and Lost. Notably, she won the Best Supporting Actress awards at the 2004 Hong Kong Film Awards and the 2004 Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan for her role in Dumplings.
