1. 名人和角色
  2. 文学
  3. The Evillious Chronicles

Banica Conchita MBTI性格类型


"Banica Conchita是什么人格? Banica Conchita是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sp/sx - 748,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中类型。"

This analysis is primarily about Banica’s enneagram, but I decided to try and integrate it with my ESFP typing for her, since I’ve seen people say that ESFPs can’t be type 7. I personally think she has a pretty strong 8 wing, but I think that her aggression is more in service to her desire for novelty than the other way around. I think it of course depends how you interpret her character, even in the novels, but what I’ve read seems to indicate 7 over 8. (I used Price Check Translations’s translation of the novel, by the way. If you’re interested in reading it, you can find it here: https://theevilfoodeaterconchita.tumblr.com/.) In Dessert-Combo Platter of Varied Desserts; Scene 7, which is near the end of the novel, we get a rare but valuable glimpse into Banica’s head: “By eating she learned of animals, learned of plants, learned of people--learned of the world. She felt that by learning about food, she could unravel the mysteries of the world”. She sought exotic foods as a proxy for her desire to learn more and more about the world—for knowledge and novel experiences, in other words—and before she started pursuing evil foods in her mansion, she was an avid traveler. Even as a child, she had a strong sense of curiosity about the world around her, which arose in her independently of the abuse she experienced at her mother’s hands. That abuse did have an effect on her personality—it made her timid and reticent before she contracted, which Carlos commented upon during one of their first conversations. (Might even indicate a 6 wing—wings can shift, and her being described as “tight-lipped” might indicate some desire for security.) But even then, Empress Juno says of Banica that she has a “self-challenging spirit, full of vim and vigor" when Banica introduces the Ziz Tiama as an ingredient to her. Banica was happiest at this time in her life, when she was able to chase her desire for novelty, and in this she resembles a 7. I believe people have said that ESFPs can’t be enneagram 7 (or maybe just sx 7) specifically because 7s are generally characterized as intellectual types, being in the head triad. I think that Banica is both Se-Fi and intellectual, given that the novel comments on how well-spoken she is concerning gastronomical matters. Before she made her contract, she was even characterized as shy, with food being the one subject that she could light up at and talk animatedly about. (Carlos fell in love with her for this.) And yet, her descriptions of food are Se-focused: they’re “overflowing with realism” such that Carlos can clearly see them in his mind’s eye. She doesn’t attempt to abstract the food into possibilities, no—she’s all about the real-time experience of eating, and the concrete effect that food has on people. It satiates them, fills their lives with joy! Banica seems to have dominant Se, but her Fi is strongly pronounced as well. She has incredibly strong convictions about what she will and will not do, and doesn’t choose them based on whether they make sense to her. They’re simply what she feels to be right. Her reply to Vlad when he asks her why she won’t eat her child? “I don’t know. But I won’t do what I won’t do.” She also initially rejected his offer to become a contracter because her household was killed by Gula, with no attempt to engage his reasoning at first. She does, however, end up exercising her Te when she decides to drink from the glass. She primarily relies on Fi for her decision-making, as indicated by this very scene, but when she reconsiders Vlad’s words—“Take ‘food’ from you, and what would you say is left?”—she acts according to the external facts of her life potentially ending, which would end her explorations as well. To put it simply, she can, in the end, rationally do what she feels she needs to do, indicating non-inferior Te. Something else to note about Banica is that she’s always characterized as a calm person, despite delving into hedonism and becoming a warlord. I think this is actually evident in her lack of disintegration to 1 compared to her integrations into 5, which appear even after she’s thrown herself entirely into evil food. When Carlos is acting as “Joseph”, he notes that there are times when she’ll talk about gastronomy with the same innocence and gusto as she used to. This is where she’s always shone—her vast knowledge on a subject she’s been incredibly passionate about for most of her life. The hedonistic/morality-defying side of her 7-ness, of course, is played for horror (and is probably the most obvious thing about her), but it’s not like her being a 7 is based on superficial evidence. I think it’s rare for a fictional ESFP to be written with both shy and intellectual traits, so I found it interesting how those attributes of hers synergized with her Se-Fi to create a character I haven’t seen too often. Even then, it’s not like she’s bizarre for her type, so I think she’s useful for exploring the nuances of an oft-stereotyped type.

