He Zhiwu MBTI性格类型


"He Zhiwu是什么人格? He Zhiwu是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - sx/so - 749,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

It’s pretty obvious he’s an ENFP. Yes he’s a stereotype for sure but everything about his character fits. His Ne dominant can be seen in the abstract concepts he applies to almost anything around him. Often times he has to jump into everything with extreme boldness. Exploring all possibilities and where they take him (ice cream making, sushi chef, finding blonde, selling ads, butcher, film making). To him life is about being able find joy in these possibilities and be happy exploring them. “In that moment I felt like the store and she was the customer. She could come and go as she pleased. I didn’t know for how long and when she would leave.” “They say women are like water, I would say I am too.” “I’ve never been good with details. But I had remembered my fathers 60th birthday” “Everything has an expiration date. I assumed hers would come soon” Also where is his Fe?? Everything to him is about living life by his own fleeting feelings and values. He doesn’t care about the external values of anyone else. He just wants to live life as a kid and enjoy the world as it is.


