Hachinoi Eiji (B1) MBTI性格类型


"Hachinoi Eiji (B1)是什么人格? Hachinoi Eiji (B1)是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中LSI类型。"

Vengeful INTJ His Ni is dominant and off the charts Planned and sculpted a plan of revenge for his father HIS ENTIRE LIFE. And knew the consequences of most of his actions and every move he made was calculated. His Te is second as he was willing to supposedly any everything to accomplish his plan. And was able to manipulate people and systems alike. And able to fool a crime organization even though he had a split personality. Ended creating a nice boy personality who was oblivious to what's going on, no mastermind, no crazy social skills, just a regular nice guy whose an INFP btw. His Fi is not inferior as he does show slight signs of compassion for the girl he met in the club that ended up dying. And facing later regret for his actions playing a part in the part of her death. His Se inferior is evident in the end of the manga where he was impulsively about the kill the man who was responsible. And when in times of stress he acts impulsively in the moment. Cool INTJ character


类似Hachinoi Eiji (B1)的动漫角色
