Yuri MBTI性格类型


"Yuri是什么人格? Yuri是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Yuri is totally an ExFP, though I'm leaning towards ENFP since her head tends to be filled with future abstractions and possibilities with Ouya. Chapter 10 shows her focus on being a free-spirited enneagram 7 so much so that she forgets how her words make others (i.e., Ouya) feel. But I think she's wing 8 because of how direct she gets with guys who try to pick her up. One things for sure is that she definitely values Fi > Fe. She sticks to her personal values and is completely authentic, and that's what Ouya loves about her. Her and Ouya (INFJ enneagran 8, not sure if 8w9 or 8w7) are a great couple. EDIT: Re-reading again and I actually think she might be a so 8. She was ready to beat anyone that came after her friends and her with a chair, directly accepted everything that came with being Ouya's partner, and how she dealt with the detective and her family all seem more in line with so 8 > so 7.

