Alpha MBTI性格类型


"Alpha是什么人格? Alpha是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - so/sp - 613,五大类型中的RCOAI,Socionics中类型。"

bruh, the way she works screams massive Te to me. she's always on the move. values efficiency more than harmony. Never questioned Cid even once. she's all about results more than process. just because she's kind and caring to Cid doesn't mean she's INFJ. This might be a stereotype but healthy INFJs are warm on the outside (Fe) but very calculating on the inside (Ti). For INTJs it seems to be the opposite. also, to some INFJs, if you have an argument for voting INFJ then good. If you just wanna vote INFJ because you simp for Cid then stop. SERIOUSLY STOP


A young elf who is the same age as Cid, whom he found after one of his bandit raids. He succeeds in curing her possession and then tells her about the Cult of Diablos. He names her Alpha and founds the Shadow Garden with her, making her the first of the Seven Shadows. In the following years, Alpha finds six other girls who suffered from possession. After training with Cid for several years, the Seven Shadows leave Cid's home to expand their operations with Alpha as their leader. 5 years after Cid saved Alpha's life, she has transformed Cid's Shadow Garden into the most powerful force in existence.

