1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

Hiro "Oni" Watanabe MBTI性格类型


"Hiro "Oni" Watanabe是什么人格? Hiro "Oni" Watanabe是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - - 864,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Hiro Watanabe was born in a samurai clan that had turned to a life of crime after falling on hard times. By the time he was born, Watanabe's father was a well established criminal in the underworld. Growing up, his grandfather always reminded him that their family wasn’t always about this criminal enterprise and learned his family used to have a very high standing within the community and had a noble name. Instead of becoming a criminal, Watanabe ran away from his family and joined the military, eventually gaining the callsign "Oni". He was very proficient, quickly rising through the ranks and even earning a spot in an elite multi-national special forces unit with missions across the globe. In time, he returned home, eager to come back to Japan and protect and fight the threats on the home front, as his ancestors had done long before him. Not long after, Oni's father used his criminal influence to get his son dishonorably discharged out of the military. Oni was forced to become a mercenary and vowed to continue his fight against his father and clear his family's soiled name.
