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  2. 游戏
  3. Call of Duty Warzone 2.0

Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz MBTI性格类型

Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz MBTI性格类型 image


"Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz是什么人格? Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

His adaptability at a young age could be high Se or just Ni used in an unusual manner. If he was tricked & never realized his own men were with the cartel then perhaps that means his Ni would be lower. I figured low Fe seeing as it could’ve been underdeveloped from him working for the cartel; then being given the chance to do something right, chose to fight against that very corruption he worked for. Or maybe it’s Fi & i’m getting the two confused, either way I’d imagine XSXP. My best guess would be ISTP but the stereotype amongst Mexican men (seen this firsthand as I myself am Mexican), is ESTP.


When he was only 7, Jesus Ordaz was forced to become a "pajaro", or lookout, for the La Araña cartel in Las Almas, Mexico. During that time, he learned how to make himself invisible and to always keep his eyes open. After 10 years, Ordaz escaped the cartel and joined the military with the goal of eliminating the rampant corruption. Applying for the Special Forces, Ordaz was noticed by then-Second Captain Alejandro Vargas who encouraged him to apply for the Cuerpo de Fuerzas Especiales. After passing the selections, he joined the RED team, which included Valeria Garza, and was given the nickname "Chuy". Chuy's first operation was a raid on the son of La Araña. Unbeknownst to him, several members of the RED team were secretly enforcers for the La Araña Cartel, including Garza. They turned against Chuy, and the rest of the RED team, and escorted the son of La Araña to the mountains to executed him. After Garza established the Las Almas Cartel under the name of El Sin Nombre, Chuy left the Special Forces but helped training anyone willing to combat the spread of corruption in Las Almas. By 2022, Chuy became a contractor for the SpecGru private military company.

类似Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz的游戏角色

