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ESTJ MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is ESTJ? ESTJ is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 136 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

In East Asian culture, the ESTJ 1w2 is very rare. 368 should be the dominant tritype for ESTJs. For ESTJs in the East, I believe the following order: 3w4>6w5>8w9>8w7>3w2>1w9>1w2 Why? Because ESTJs would feel very hard to "push the advice and rules on other people directly" as a typical 1w2 does in China or Japan. In China and Japan, social traditions and conventions, or the "general Si," are fluid and flexible, usually not in written and solid norms and have to be adapted in a very subtle way. This is called "潜规则" (implicit norms) in Chinese, the typical form of Chinese and Japanese Si. Thus, when ESTJ wants to "impose" something on others, they CANNOT form a 1w2 way -- being rigorous and perfectionist. Since there is no perfectionism in daily life. If you are 1w9 ISTJ, that's okay since you stick to your own principles, but it is usually regarded as silly if you impose perfectionism on others if you are living in China or Japan. ESTJs have to learn to "impose" or "push" others on their desired track in a more subtle, flexible, and efficiency-driven way (Type 3) or a more "implicit norm" (Type 6) way. Thus, 3 or 6 are the most frequent types of ESTJs in East Asian societies. However, in the abstract, theoretical, and spiritual way, Chinese and Japanese XNXJs can still be 1w2 because "perfectionism" is abstract for them. It would not cause that high aversion in people as an ESTJ 1w2 does.


1. Te – extroverted Thinking Te is the primary way TeSi’s interact with the world around them. Te is all about effectiveness and getting things done. It is the TeSi’s primary decision-making process, which means that if a decision is needed in the moment, they will rely on what makes the most sense logically. They are primarily concerned with moving forward and are not interested in wasting time and energy nitpicking a solution to death before applying it. They make the best decision they can given the probabilities they're presented with. The most effective functional or workable solution is often obvious to them, and they are masters of maximization. Te can also make them quite competitive. 2. Si – introverted Sensing TeSi’s naturally use Si to catalogue experiences and information they deem important. In particular, they remember their impressions of experiences they’ve had. They have an organized internal world and their mind can easily put similar pieces of information into appropriate categories. They learn straightforward, practical systems, rules, and strategies with ease and grace. Si gives the sense of the TeSi being grounded and can make them seem like they have a very linear, black and white way of thinking about things. (Though in reality they may see everything as shades of grey.) 3. Ne – extroverted iNtuition Ne is the part of the TeSi that craves new experiences and ideas. For example, when coming up with an idea to execute a project, they can take a lot of details they’ve gathered from previous experience and put them together to form a really great concept. Ne can also fuel sudden “lightbulb” moments where an idea strikes them out of nowhere as they’re talking. It makes the TeSi likely to enjoy taking disparate things and thoughts and gluing them together to see what happens. It can also cause them to lapse into a sort of factual story-telling mode at any moment. 4. Fi – introverted Feeling Fi is their last function. Fi helps them to assess situations to see how things match up to their values and beliefs. They may think of their Fi as their “gut instinct”. It helps them learn to be sensitive to the values and feelings of those around them. It can act as a warning system when they think a decision makes sense logically, but somewhere inside, Fi is the alarm saying it’s a bad idea. However, because Fi is the TeSi’s weakest function, they will often act with the swift decisiveness of Te first, before considering how their actions might affect the feelings of others or taking time to think about whether their decision lines up with their values. As the TeSi ages, they get much better at using their Fi towards the beginning of their decision-making process. Although the most effective option takes priority, they become more aware and careful about doing things that would hurt those around them.
