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  3. Voice Acting

Richard Horvitz MBTI Personality Type

Richard Horvitz MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Richard Horvitz? Richard Horvitz is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sp - 729 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.


Richard Steven Horvitz is an American actor and comedian. He is best known for his voice work in animation and video games. His voice credits include the original Alpha 5 on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers Turbo, Razputin in Psychonauts, Kaos in Skylanders, Billy and his father Harold in The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Grey Matter in Ben 10, Daggett in The Angry Beavers, Zim in Invader Zim, Orthopox in Destroy All Humans!, the Zoni in Ratchet & Clank, Bumble in Kinectimals, the Space Weaver in Broken Age, and Moxxie in Helluva Boss. #RichardHorvitz
