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Feyd–Rautha Harkonnen MBTI Personality Type

Feyd–Rautha Harkonnen MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Feyd–Rautha Harkonnen? Feyd–Rautha Harkonnen is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 in Enneagram, SCUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Everytime an ESTP that is not a dumb exists you guys just keep saying he’s an ENTJ or ENTP. If you vote just based on stereotypes then QUIT. Feyd enjoys intense sensory stimulations(fighting, killing, watching people suffer etc.) He has a keen sense of his surroundings and is easily caught by situations that draw his interest. Thus Se dom without doubt. Se is a cognitive function, and when it develops independently it leads people to be reckless. While Se-Ti allows them to make logical judgments based on reality. The movie shows Feyd using Se-Ti functions several times and that makes things clear. He definitely loses control of his Se sometimes.


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen's youngest nephew and heir ("na-Baron") to House Harkonnen. He is depicted to be cruel, treacherous and cunning, though not as much so as his uncle.

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