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  3. Snowden (2016)

Edward Snowden MBTI Personality Type

Edward Snowden MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Edward Snowden? Edward Snowden is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

"I WANT TO PRESENT THE INFORMATION FOR PEOPLE TO DECIDE IF I WAS WRONG OR SOMETHING IS HAPPENING WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT THAT IS NOT RIGHT" - Snowden Fe>>>>>>>>>>>Fi >doing more things than are established and outside the mold with curiosity Ti-Ne Ne-Ti likes limits and standards... -Struggles with social interactions /He hears his girlfriend say that it doesn't matter that they spy on her because she has nothing to hide and he says that that argument is disgusting. Ti-Fe Inf. Fe "I believed that with the new government and its promises things would improve" "I haven't trusted anyone in years" _ joining external objetive dots with intuition = Ne *Questioning himself life throught society standards "I tried to be at peace but I found out something new and I couldn't ignore it. shouts" "You didn't tell me we were fooling everyone" (Ti-Ne-Si-Fe)


