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Choleric-Sanguine (CholSan) MBTI Personality Type

Choleric-Sanguine (CholSan) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Choleric-Sanguine (CholSan)? Choleric-Sanguine (CholSan) is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

ESTP - 8w7/7w8 - sx/so, sx/sp, so/sx - sx8/so3/sp7 - 873/387/874/872/783/287/378/487 - SEE/SLE - Chaotic Evil - |S|lUEn - VFLE/VFEL/FVLE - Choleric-Sanguine - ES(T)/ES(F) The percents represents the percentage of profiles of that type that is Choleric-Sanguine. The above vote is the typing which best represents Choleric-Sanguine. ESTP 29.41% ENTP 14.28% ESFP 12.26% ENTJ 10.02% ESTJ 7.37% ENFP 4.76% ENFJ 4.75% ISTP 2.7% ESFJ 2.4% ISFP 1.84% INTJ 0.87% INFP 0.5% ISFJ 0.45% INTP 0.09% INFJ 0.06% ISTJ 0.05% 8w7 23.24% 7w8 16.58% 3w4 13.61% 3w2 13.44% 6w7 7.56% 8w9 5.42% 4w3 4.77% 2w3 3.89% 1w2 1.99% 5w4 1.5% 5w6 1.45% 2w1 1.03% 9w8 1.03% 1w9 0.98% 7w6 0.95% 4w5 0.53% 6w5 0.28% 9w1 0.04% sx/so 10.29% sx/sp 8.58% so/sx 6.33% sp/sx 5.45% so/sp 4.93% sp/so 2.48% sx8 29.06% so3 18.15% sp7 17.7% sp8 9.8% sx3 8.98% so8 8.94% sx6 7.95% sx2 7.4% sp3 7.21% sx7 6.87% sx4 5.25% so1 3.85% so6 3.74% so7 3.68% so2 2.59% sp2 1.6% sp5 1.41% so5 1.36% sp4 1.19% sx1 1.03% sp9 0.68% sp6 0.47% sx5 0.28% sx9 0.22% sp1 0.07% so4 0% so9 0% 873 40% 387 34% 874 34% 872 32% 783 30.61% 287 28% 378 28% 487 27.66% 827 23.4% 368 22% 837 22% 847 20.83% 784 20% 682 18.37% 137 18.18% 278 18% 317 18% 738 18% 173 17.5% 862 14.58% 268 14% 638 14% 731 13.33% 628 12.5% 845 11.11% 826 10.87% 386 10% 478 10% 683 10% 836 10% 172 9.3% 582 8.89% 713 8.89% 286 8.16% 864 8.16% 361 8% 371 8% 852 6.52% 127 6.38% 846 6.38% 316 6.25% 468 6.12% 639 6.12% 584 6% 684 6% 748 6% 863 6% 285 5.71% 147 4.88% 528 4.65% 825 4.55% 396 4.26% 782 4.17% 136 4.08% 271 4.08% 485 4.08% 631 4.08% 216 4% 217 4% 315 4% 486 4% 548 4% 583 4% 648 4% 835 4% 258 2.7% 174 2.56% 251 2.27% 259 2.27% 359 2.27% 712 2.27% 714 2.27% 397 2.22% 417 2.17% 935 2.17% 721 2.13% 416 2.08% 471 2.08% 135 2.04% 461 2.04% 538 2.04% 613 2.04% 854 2.04% 163 2% 261 2% 358 2% 385 2% 458 2% 612 2% 728 2% 793 2% 853 2% 936 2% 964 2% 974 2% 125 0% 126 0% 145 0% 146 0% 152 0% 153 0% 154 0% 162 0% 164 0% 215 0% 269 0% 279 0% 295 0% 296 0% 297 0% 351 0% 369 0% 379 0% 395 0% 415 0% 451 0% 459 0% 469 0% 479 0% 495 0% 496 0% 497 0% 512 0% 513 0% 514 0% 521 0% 529 0% 531 0% 539 0% 541 0% 549 0% 592 0% 593 0% 594 0% 614 0% 621 0% 629 0% 641 0% 649 0% 692 0% 693 0% 694 0% 729 0% 739 0% 741 0% 749 0% 792 0% 794 0% 925 0% 926 0% 927 0% 937 0% 945 0% 946 0% 947 0% 952 0% 953 0% 954 0% 962 0% 963 0% 972 0% 973 0% SEE 23.37% SLE 20.37% LIE 12.66% EIE 8.84% ILE 8.66% LSE 5.02% ESI 2.69% SLI 1.56% ESE 1.48% IEE 1.36% LII 0.5% IEI 0.41% ILI 0.25% LSI 0.08% SEI 0.08% EII 0% Chaotic Evil 23.85% Chaotic Neutral 13.91% Neutral Evil 8.77% Chaotic Good 7.2% True Neutral 2.74% Lawful Neutral 2.57% Lawful Evil 2.35% Lawful Good 1.6% Neutral Good 1.36% S (Social) 11.22% R (Reserved) 0.81% C (Calm) 4.58% L (Limbic) 8.04% O (Organized) 4.1% U (Unstructured) 8.41% A (Accommodating) 1.87% E (Egocentric) 11.06% I (Inquisitive) 4.79% N (Non-Curious) 8.8% VFLE 20.72% VFEL 17.26% FVLE 13.53% FLVE 10.59% VEFL 10.08% VLFE 9.98% VLEF 9.8% VELF 9.66% FEVL 8.75% EFVL 5.96% FVEL 5.15% FLEV 3.45% LFVE 2.35% EVLF 1.78% EVFL 1.46% LVFE 1.16% ELVF 1.07% LEVF 0.54% LEFV 0.41% EFLV 0.37% LVEF 0.29% ELFV 0.04% FELV 0.03% LFEV 0% ES(T) 24.97% ES(F) 18.9% EN(T) 11.12% ET(N) 9.16% EF(N) 8.22% EN(F) 3.59% ET(S) 3.17% IF(S) 2.4% EF(S) 2.03% IT(S) 1.51% IS(T) 0.52% IN(T) 0.27% IT(N) 0.16% IS(F) 0.11% IN(F) 0.08% IF(N) 0.04%


The Choleric and Sanguine natural tendencies combine to produce a result-oriented person who needs to be around people socially some of the time. This combination naturally likes being the leader and is often an executive. The Choleric-Sanguine has a natural drive to quickly get results. They are goal and bottom-line oriented, and can be very persuasive in promoting their ideas and goals. They are easily annoyed when others do not comply with their instructions or direction but it passes quickly; quickly aroused, easily calmed. They are not angry, although others may at times think they are furious. They are impatient and will push others to obtain results and be productive.
