Phlegmatic-Sanguine (PhlegSan) MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is Phlegmatic-Sanguine (PhlegSan)? Phlegmatic-Sanguine (PhlegSan) is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 927 in Enneagram, RCUAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.
ISFP/ESFJ/ENFJ/ISFJ/INFP - 9w8/9w1/2w1/6w7 - so/sx, so/sp, sp/so - so9 - 973/927/972/974/926/215 - SEI - Neutral Good/Lawful Good - sCu|A|i - FELV/FLEV/ELFV - Phlegmatic-Sanguine - IS(F)/EF(S)/EN(T) The percents represents the percentage of profiles of that type that is Phlegmatic-Sanguine. The above vote is the typing which best represents Phlegmatic-Sanguine. ISFP 12.91% ESFJ 11.76% ENFJ 10.81% ISFJ 9.56% INFP 8.53% ENTP 8.16% INTP 8.03% ISTP 5.9% ENFP 5.63% INFJ 4.86% ESTP 2.65% ISTJ 1.38% ENTJ 1.35% ESFP 1.15% ESTJ 0.44% INTJ 0.19% 9w8 16.83% 9w1 16.74% 2w1 15.89% 6w7 11.61% 2w3 7.08% 5w6 6.26% 1w2 5.21% 7w6 4.63% 4w3 4.56% 3w2 4.5% 5w4 2.79% 1w9 2.48% 6w5 2.3% 7w8 2.22% 4w5 2.05% 3w4 1.59% 8w7 0.32% 8w9 0.17% so/sx 8.23% so/sp 7.81% sp/so 7.63% sx/so 4.38% sp/sx 3.39% sx/sp 2.75% so9 25.89% sx9 13.87% sp9 13.16% so2 12.76% so5 11.72% so6 11.43% sp2 7.21% sp6 6.71% sx2 5.76% sp7 5.24% sx3 4.89% sp1 4.28% so1 4.21% sx5 3.68% so4 3.36% sx6 3.36% sp4 3.32% so7 2.88% sp3 2.6% sx4 2.51% sx7 2.51% so3 2.15% sp5 1.86% sp8 0.69% so8 0.67% sx1 0% sx8 0% 973 38% 927 37.5% 972 32% 974 32% 926 24% 215 23.4% 692 22% 497 20.41% 297 20% 953 18.75% 251 18.18% 296 18% 397 15.56% 127 14.89% 539 14.89% 126 14% 217 14% 269 14% 629 14% 693 14% 936 14% 528 13.95% 259 13.64% 937 12.77% 295 12.5% 512 12.5% 947 12% 962 12% 712 11.36% 713 11.11% 935 10.87% 396 10.64% 529 10.64% 369 10.2% 379 10.2% 216 10% 793 10% 794 10% 925 10% 963 10% 714 9.09% 285 8.57% 395 8.33% 946 8.33% 258 8.11% 479 8% 593 8% 945 8% 964 8% 174 7.69% 172 6.98% 137 6.82% 521 6.82% 582 6.67% 852 6.52% 471 6.25% 621 6.25% 271 6.12% 415 6.12% 631 6.12% 641 6.12% 548 6% 549 6% 638 6% 648 6% 649 6% 694 6% 739 6% 952 6% 147 4.88% 359 4.55% 825 4.55% 731 4.44% 417 4.35% 721 4.26% 827 4.26% 741 4.17% 531 4.08% 639 4.08% 261 4% 279 4% 361 4% 583 4% 592 4% 612 4% 728 4% 729 4% 792 4% 173 2.5% 146 2.17% 316 2.08% 136 2.04% 286 2.04% 461 2.04% 468 2.04% 495 2.04% 538 2.04% 541 2.04% 682 2.04% 864 2.04% 954 2.04% 125 2% 162 2% 163 2% 268 2% 287 2% 315 2% 317 2% 368 2% 371 2% 378 2% 459 2% 478 2% 496 2% 584 2% 594 2% 738 2% 749 2% 784 2% 853 2% 135 0% 145 0% 152 0% 153 0% 154 0% 164 0% 278 0% 351 0% 358 0% 385 0% 386 0% 387 0% 416 0% 451 0% 458 0% 469 0% 485 0% 486 0% 487 0% 513 0% 514 0% 613 0% 614 0% 628 0% 683 0% 684 0% 748 0% 782 0% 783 0% 826 0% 835 0% 836 0% 837 0% 845 0% 846 0% 847 0% 854 0% 862 0% 863 0% 872 0% 873 0% 874 0% SEI 22.25% ILE 10.19% EII 9.5% ESE 8.96% SLI 7.41% IEE 6.76% EIE 5.43% IEI 4.54% LII 2.71% LSE 2.41% LIE 2.14% ESI 1.77% ILI 1.75% LSI 0.95% SEE 0.92% SLE 0.05% Neutral Good 11.28% Lawful Good 7.21% Chaotic Good 4.64% True Neutral 3.57% Chaotic Neutral 2.9% Lawful Neutral 1.16% Chaotic Evil 1.14% Neutral Evil 1.09% Lawful Evil 0.89% S (Social) 6.66% R (Reserved) 4.76% C (Calm) 8.19% L (Limbic) 2.99% O (Organized) 5.03% U (Unstructured) 6.49% A (Accommodating) 8.97% E (Egocentric) 2.14% I (Inquisitive) 6.23% N (Non-Curious) 4.86% FELV 17.71% FLEV 11.91% ELFV 10.8% EVLF 10.42% EFLV 9.2% EVFL 8.51% FVLE 7.44% LEFV 7.07% VEFL 5.56% FLVE 4.89% FEVL 4.85% EFVL 4.43% ELVF 4.11% LFEV 3.82% LVFE 3.73% LVEF 3.47% VLEF 2.35% FVEL 2.31% LFVE 2.12% VFLE 2.06% VELF 1.83% LEVF 1.45% VLFE 0.97% VFEL 0.26% IS(F) 14.27% EF(S) 12.62% EN(T) 9.18% EN(F) 7.42% EF(N) 5.84% IS(T) 5.48% IF(N) 5.2% IF(S) 4.89% IN(F) 4.15% IT(N) 3.84% IT(S) 2.21% ES(T) 1.47% ET(N) 1.17% ET(S) 0.97% ES(F) 0.89% IN(T) 0.57%
If you are a phlegmatic-sanguine, you are peace-loving, patient, well-balanced, easy-going, friendly, happy, cooperative, caring, people-oriented, diplomatic, trustworthy, fun-loving, and humorous. You are very thoughtful of others, with a knack for empathically putting yourself in other peoples shoes, and value peace and harmony at all times. When the Phlegmatic and the Sanguine natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, people-oriented person who is routine, friendly, and tolerant of others. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is naturally motivated to bring harmony to their environment. They easily accept others. They are easy to be with both in the work environment and as a friend, and they have difficulty confronting or pressuring people. They are more friendly after warming-up, and can be very talkative at times. Phlegmatic-Sanguine is loyal, consistent, and dependable. They are very independent minded and want to operate by themselves and set their own pace.