Karl Urban MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Karl Urban? Karl Urban is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 379 in Enneagram, in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Urban comes across as mix of an ESFP and a ESTP, but I believe hes a ESTP taking into account how he seems to use the cognitive functions. His auxiliary Ti noticeably shows when he talks about his roles. He seems to engage with his interviewers the most when he's explaining the technical aspects of his characters, like how he learns certain skills in order to characterize them and when he goes about this he's careful in choosing the words to convey his thoughts the best, he talks somehow slowly but ends up being precise with his explanations (like in that doom interview when he explained how he learned to shoot with real weapons or the maneuvers involved for him to do ''supernatural'' jumps in priest). When he was younger he was a lot more concise, sharp and concrete when replaying to the interviewers, coming across almost as a Ti dom. Nowadays he seems to enjoys talking about all the people involved in the same projects as him, for he gets to talk with others about the filming process. When asked in an interview what anyone should do when visiting new zealand, he replied ''just rent a car, travel through the country the most you can, camp outside, there are so many different places to know'', that sounded like a high Se statement. I believe his mellowness comes for his 3w2 ennaegram (related with social success and engagement) and a well developed Fe linked to his career, not to his functions preferences, so he's not to be confused with ESFJs. His Se is hystrionic and glaring in contrast with the Fe doms. Ti doesn't seem inferior in his speech (good examples of this are the dredd and star trek interviews)


Karl-Heinz Urban is a New Zealand actor. His career began with appearances in New Zealand films and TV series such as Xena: Warrior Princess. His first Hollywood role was in the 2002 horror film Ghost Ship.
