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Yor (Briar) Forger “Thorn Princess” MBTI Personality Type

Yor (Briar) Forger “Thorn Princess” MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Yor (Briar) Forger “Thorn Princess”? Yor (Briar) Forger “Thorn Princess” is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sx/so - 926 in Enneagram, RLOAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

Okay so this character was blatantly easy to letter type but there's like 60+ INFJ votes and some people questioning her Si so let's talk about the differences and why she's ISFJ >>>> INFJ. Figuring the difference between ISFJ and INFJ means you need to figure out Ni dom vs Si dom, both are Pi doms so both can assume things but the key difference here is the means of how they concluded their perceptions. Both functions may attempt to predict the future but in different ways. They're quite similar which leads to misunderstandings. Ni is focused on the metaphysical world and Si is focused on the physical world. Si is connecting back empirical evidence onto the sense impression whereas Ni I would describe as connecting patterns from their own personal impressions to form a general idea about something. It comes often random, which is why it's associated with hunches. Si is like a filing cabinet, constantly relaying stored physical data onto the present environment to make assumptions and impressions about the objects rather than what it simply is. Ni is a like sponge that absorbs the objective situation for inner understanding then releasing an idea for figuring out the bigger picture of something. With that being differentiated, Yor is a Si dom because she frequents what Si does. She's often making assumptions like when she assumed Loid has a wife due to having a daughter and would kill her if she tried to ask him to be her date. Another example is when she answered Loid's question about passing an exam by talking about causes of death, misinterpreting passing (the exam) for passing away. A huge characteristic about her is that she's quite a worrywart. She's quite cautious, aloof, and apologetic, worrying often about how she assumes her role compared to a normal mother and wanting to be in line with it. This is proven by trying to seek help and get better at cooking for Anya since it would make her more like a normal mother to her. This cautious nature may indicate high Si due to wanting to stick to the known and understood while avoiding uncertainty and risk. She has a hard time getting used to saying things she's not used to such as her new name (Yor Forger instead of Yor Briar) and always has to catch herself before accidently blurting it out. Where is her Ni? Compare her to Loid. She simply doesn't hold a tea when it comes to Ni usage compared to Loid. Loid is so ridiculous with his Ni that it can make Anya dizzy reading his damn thoughts lmao. I don't see enough Ni to be dominant with her and inferior Se but dom Si and inf Ne makes too much sense.


Yor Forger, née Briar, is a 27-year-old woman whose parents died in a conflict between Ostania and Westalis when she was only a child, leaving it to her to raise her younger brother, Yuri, alone. Nowadays she works in the capital of Ostania's city hall. Or at least that's what she tells people. In truth, Yor is an infamous Professional Killer known as <Thorn Princess>. While an excellent assassin and Professional Killer, Yor is socially awkward at the best of times, easily duped, and comes across as bizarre to the people around her while she's undercover. Over time, Yor finds that her cover starts to become much deeper than she anticipated.

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