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Loid Forger “Twilight” MBTI Personality Type

Loid Forger “Twilight” MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Loid Forger “Twilight”? Loid Forger “Twilight” is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 613 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

I just love how his Ni can be cool and funny (dumb) at the same time. Cool Ni: literally connects every idea and patterns to see bigger picture. For example, when he concluded that Yuri is a SSS police with ONLY one conversation about wine. Dumb Ni: mostly just overthinking and beyond reality. For example, literally think that Becky, who is a six years old, threatening and sabotaging Operation Strix just because she doesn't let Anya say sorry to Damian. Please, I thought Loid would be a stereotypical INTJ turns out he's one of the MOST relatable and good written INTJ character ever plus he's unintentionally funny especially when he duo with Anya and Yor. Also, there so many scenes that he uses his Ni and failing miserably and I'm here laughing at him because he's too relatable 😂.


Only known by his codename, <Twilight>, he is the top spy of WISE: The Westalian Intelligence Bureau. For his most recent mission demand from WISE’s headquarters, Twilight takes on the identity as a psychiatrist named Loid Forger to perform WISE’s most dangerous of missions yet—Operation: <STRIX>—to befriend and investigate one of Ostania’s most powerful politicians, Donovan Desmond via a meek middle-class Family Man status in need to work his way up the Ostanian socialite class. To make himself appear like a typical middle-class civilian, and get close to his target in the shortest timeframe he could possibly can, Twilight proceeds in speed-constructing an instant family by adopting a young orphan girl, Anya, and enter a marriage of convenience with an Ostanian woman named Yor Briar—who, unbeknownst to Twilight, are a Telepath and Professional Killer respectively.

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