Stuart MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Stuart? Stuart is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sp/sx - 793 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

The dominant traits of the Self-Preservation Seven subtype stand out as a love of pleasure and a self-interested focus on getting what they need to feel secure. In seeking security, however, they can often confuse desires with needs. These are people who usually feel a need to have a lot of resources, including money and other supplies that support survival, and they may panic if they feel a sense of scarcity. According to Naranjo, the three main fixations of the Self-Preservation Sevens are strategy, rebellion, and isolation, though it may be hard to see these characters as isolated because they tend to be very popular. But their strategic and mental nature, together with the prominence of their self-interest, can isolate them from others at a deeper level. Self-Preservation Sevens cultivate a sense of being kind and generous—they like to feel that everyone depends on them. They may feel omnipotent and they may sometimes use people. They may also feel that normal rules don’t apply to them—that for them, there is no law, and they can do what they please. This kind of assertion of their freedom and their ability to do whatever they need to do to support their self-interest helps them feel safer in the world. Self-Preservation Sevens’ desire for pleasure and hedonistic self-indulgence can sometimes be seen as a kind of retroactive compulsion to return to the womb—they dedicate their lives to the pursuit of a kind of primordial or utopian paradise state of perfect pleasure. In pursuing positive and stimulating experiences, they may use sex, food, and drink as an escape from the more difficult parts of life. The Self-Preservation Seven and the Sexual Seven should be easy to tell apart, as they represent two opposite ends of a continuum, from pragmatic and materialistic (Self-Preservation) to idealistic and ethereal (Sexual). The Self-Preservation subtype is more earthy and sensuous—more gluttonous in the literal sense of the word—while the Sexual Seven is more “heavenly” and enthusiastic, more “upward-looking” in terms of both positivity and high ideals. While both of these two characters focus on distinct kinds of excess, the Self-Preservation Seven is the most sly, cunning, and pragmatic personality among the Sevens, while the Sexual Seven is more of a light-hearted enjoyer.In contrast to the Sexual Seven, the Self-Preservation Seven is not so much idealistic as they are cynically distrustful. They’re not gullible people who are easily hypnotized (as the Sexual Seven is); they are more practical and concrete. The Self-Preservation Seven is the most astute and strategic character of the three Seven subtypes. They may display elements of Type Six in that they can at times be fearful or even paranoid, though this is not their regular mode. And perhaps paradoxically, the Self-Preservation Seven is more actively flirty, seductive, and sexual than the Sexual Seven, who often focuses more on an imagined, idealized kind of communion than actual sex. While the Self-Preservation Seven character resembles a “playboy” or “playgirl” type of person—an enjoyer of food and sex—the Sexual Seven can be content with the perfume of things.


Stuart is one of the Minions that appears in the Despicable Me franchise. He appears in Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, Despicable Me 3, Minions, Minions: The Rise of Gru (being the deuteragonists of these two), Minions Oscars Segment 2016 and Minions Paradise Santa's Little Helpers.
