Margo Gru MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Margo Gru? Margo Gru is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 162 in Enneagram, RCOAN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

Note: I barely remember Despicable Me From what I remember, I didn't understand it at the time but now looking back on it I remember her having quite a bit of Si. I remember her going into one or two Ne grips, which basically screams ISxJ (her grips are important for identification because it magnifies Si dom) Since she is the oldest of the three sisters, her SP is definitely augmented. Especially that both of her sisters are at such a young age shows that she had to take initiative and the leadership role which caused her to focus on SP for her AND her sisters.


Margo Gru is the oldest of the three orphan girls that Gru adopts. Before she was adopted, she was an orphan horribly treated by Miss Hattie. Like Edith and Agnes (Margo's younger sisters), Margo wished to be adopted by somebody who would love them. She is very disapproving of Edith's mischief, shown where Edith jumps in puddles which gets her and Agnes wet, and also when she breaks a vial of acid in Gru's kitchen. Margo appears in all three of the Despicable Me films and several of the mini movies. She is voiced by #MirandaCosgrove

Movies Characters Similar to Margo Gru
