Roger Moore MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Roger Moore? Roger Moore is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Sir Roger George Moore, thank you. First and foremost known for the Television series The Saint... Wait, what? That's not why you actually clicked this page, did you. Tough. Born 14 October 1927 in Stockwell, London, he was the quintessential british gentleman who first dabbled in the TV series Maverick. He also headlined a version of Ivanhoe. As previously mentioned, his part on The Saint got him his biggest role for which many people still know him to this day: Bond, James Bond. His era is known for being more lighthearted, often to the point of self-parody, making him somewhat divisive among fans of the series, and it is often debated how much of the self-parody was him and how much of it was the studio. That being said, he did have serious moments as Bond, which seem to have been severely underappreciated, possibly due to criticism focusing either on the silly moments or his age.

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