Anya Taylor-Joy MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Anya Taylor-Joy? Anya Taylor-Joy is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics. ENFJ. Watching this you can see that she likes to be open with people and naturally cares about social harmony and connection with others. Around 2:48, I also think this is Ni. She says “I was born in the states then went straight over to Argentina where my family is, then we moved to London, and then I started acting and I haven’t stopped making movies. So I dont have a house yet but I’m working on that”. It’s as if she was observing her general stopping points from a detached perspective then stringing it to the present of the reality of her situation that she doesn’t have a house yet and that for the future she still needs to get a house. She also says right after “and then I only learnt English when I was 8 because I was convinced that if I didn’t speak the language in England that I would have to go home, but that didn’t work out. I had no friends so I needed to learn the language pretty quickly.”. From my perspective she is naturally inclined towards reaching ultimatums and then adapting to the demands of life as it is presented like an Ni Se. Ni users tend to be the type to solve problems by reaching general ultimatums such as “if I don’t do this then this will happen therefore I will do this”. Si Ne tends to solve problems by referencing a past relating scenario and then applying Ti or Te principles from that experience. Anya seems to show a more future considerate decision making process, or simulative decision making process.


Anya Josephine Marie Taylor-Joy (born 16 April 1996) is an American-Argentine-British actress. She first became known for making appearances on the fantasy series Atlantis (2015), and had her breakthrough with the period horror film The Witch (2015), for which she earned several accolades. She gained further recognition and praise for her role as Casey Cooke in the psychological horror films Split (2016) and Glass (2019), Lily Reynolds in the black comedy Thoroughbreds (2017) and Emma Woodhouse in the comedy-drama Emma (2020). Taylor-Joy also had starring roles in the BBC One drama miniseries The Miniaturist (2017), the BBC One crime drama series Peaky Blinders (2019), and the Netflix fantasy drama series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019). She garnered critical acclaim for her performance in the Netflix miniseries The Queen's Gambit (2020). She was the 2017 recipient of the Cannes Film Festival's Trophée Chopard and was nominated for the BAFTA Rising Star Award. #AnyaTaylorJoy

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