Robert Pattinson MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Robert Pattinson? Robert Pattinson is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sp/so - 479 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

his latest gq interview gives the impression of a 9w8 that, because of the stress of stardom, covid etc, disintegrates to 6. i'm honestly not sure about mbti--i think INFP could make sense as he seems to have well developed Ne, but i couldn't say for sure if some of his "chameleon" tendencies are from being a 9 or from Fe. anyways here's some excerpts that stood out to me: - on his friends watching soccer/football every week: “There’s just something so lovely about having something every single Sunday, where it’s like, This is what I’m doing. Rather than just, when anybody asks me, What are your hobbies? I’m like: Fucking fretting. Worrying about the future.” - interview calls him "one of those authentically weird, boundlessly energetic, deceptively chaotic creative types who are mixed up in 10,000 things while projecting a false sense of passivity." - "...he’s never played a role with his own voice, that the voice is his way into different people. Pattinson tells me that sometimes he’ll just make something up in an interview, in order to say anything at all—and that it has at times come back to bite him" - him playing different characters in real life while in school lmfao like fake skateboarder, fake drug dealer, fake rapper am i overthinking it? is he just dealing with the stress of being a super celebrity and having a laff? probably


Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson (born 13 May 1986) is an English actor and model. Noted for his versatile roles in both big-budget and independent films, Pattinson received critical acclaim from auteur directors. He starred in the Safdie Brothers' Good Time (2017) and Robert Eggers' psychological film The Lighthouse (2019). He returned to mainstream films in Christopher Nolan's Tenet (2020), and starred as the DC Comics superhero Batman in Matt Reeves' film The Batman (2022).

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