Florence Pugh MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Florence Pugh? Florence Pugh is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 379 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

This girl takes no s*it and makes not only comments but facial expressions and such which are 0% diplomatic, likeable and "adaptable" yet people think she's a 3?? An Attachment type?? This girl does what she wants and doesn't give a ** about what people have to say about her (the most prominent example was his relationship with a man much older than her), why on Earth do people think this girl embodies the vanity and the core fear of not being valued or acceptable according to other's expectations? That's what a 3 is; this girl is not at all. PS: Btw I love her, just in case my comment seems rude XD it's not about her it's about the absurd enneagram typing I'm leaning towards 7 but if she ends up being a image type (which she doesn't at first) 2 or even 4 would be more accurate.


Florence Pugh (/pjuː/ PEW; born 1996) is an English actress. She made her professional acting debut in the mystery film The Falling (2014) and gained recognition for her leading role as an unhappily married woman in the independent drama Lady Macbeth (2016).

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