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Viktor Reznov MBTI Personality Type

Viktor Reznov MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Viktor Reznov? Viktor Reznov is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - so/sx - 862 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Whenever he talks to his men in cod waw he appeals to them emotionally by painting it as if it is some grand quest where they must avenge and take down the evil he also justifies all the war crimes because "they deserved it". I could be wrong but I would think that a Te or Fi user would be at least responsible/accepting of what they are doing even if they they are being merciless as in "Yeah I killed him because he did this and that..." like at least consistent in themselves but Reznov never does that he always avoids it to take and maintain moral ground over the nazis to not be painted as a hypocrite. I see this even more in Black Ops where he promotes a brotherhood in the gulag to achieve his goals "He and us we are not so different we are all soldiers without an army, In Vorkuta we are all brothers" if you look carefully in his speeches including the one the rooftop you will notice he always tries to paint things as if it's some big prophecy that everyone is part of and he always tries to portray everyone being in the same boat. His Fe manipulation is even more visible in the brainwashing scenes.


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