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Bowery King MBTI Personality Type

Bowery King MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Bowery King? Bowery King is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sp - 827 in Enneagram, SCUEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.


The Bowery King is the head of The Soup Kitchen, an underworld intelligence network disguised as a homeless shelter. Bowery King is a mysterious person, with his real name unknown. He spends most of his days on the rooftop of the Soup Kitchen, tending to his pigeons. He took control of The Soup Kitchen, a homeless shelter, where he created an underground empire. Recruiting a large number of beggars, vagrants, and panhandlers to act as his eyes and ears in the city, and training pigeons to act as messengers, he established a large intelligence and data network across New York, without using the internet or phones, thus remaining anonymous and untraceable.

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