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Eli Roth MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Eli Roth? Eli Roth is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - - 874 in Enneagram, SCUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.


Eli Raphael Roth (born April 18, 1972) is a Jewish American film director, producer, writer, and actor. As a director and producer, he is most closely associated with the horror genre, first coming to prominence for directing the films Cabin Fever and Hostel. In 2013, Roth received the Visionary Award for his contributions to horror, at the Stanley Film Festival. He directed the 2015 erotic thriller film Knock Knock and the 2018 action film Death Wish, a remake of the 1974 original. In 2018, he also directed The House with a Clock in Its Walls, his first PG-rated film and his highest domestic grosser to date. As an actor, Roth's most prominent role has been as Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz in Quentin Tarantino's war film Inglourious Basterds for which he won both a SAG Award (Best Ensemble) and a BFCA Critic's Choice Award (Best Acting Ensemble).
