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Asahi Shiina MBTI Personality Type

Asahi Shiina MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Asahi Shiina? Asahi Shiina is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 827 in Enneagram, SCUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

I am convinced he is Mikoshiba in disguise


Asahi possesses a bright personality and a vibrant spirit. He is articulate and energetic in both words and actions, always ready to push his luck, a fact that often makes him quite comical. He was determined to recruit Makoto Tachibana and Haruka Nanase into the junior high school swimming club after learning that they used to be part of their community's swimming club while in elementary school. He is also the one who goads Ikuya Kirishima into joining despite his negativity. He enjoys competition and works hard to achieve success. While seeking books about self-improvement in the Iwatobi library, he inadvertently meets Rei Ryugazaki who offers advice. When facing challenges in sport, Asahi repeats saying "I am a genius" out loud to himself as motivation. This continues into university where Ikuya teases him about it.

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