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Ikuya Kirishima MBTI Personality Type

Ikuya Kirishima MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Ikuya Kirishima? Ikuya Kirishima is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 641 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

obvious Fi user. je sais pas s'il a Ne ou Se pour l'instant.


Ikuya is quiet, cynical, and distrustful of others. Though taciturn, he isn't afraid to express his annoyance or to speak his mind and was at odds with his older brother, Natsuya. It takes time for him to warm up to his teammates (Haruka Nanase, Makoto Tachibana and Asahi Shiina) but comes to trust them. He admires Haruka a great deal, secretly wishing he possessed similar confidence in sport. Ikuya's health is fragile, and he has some fear of water due to the fact that he nearly drowns several times. Yet, being a determined athlete and not wishing to disappoint Natsuya, he pushes himself endlessly, often suffering from oxygen deprivation from over-training in the pool. He is shown to be both similar to and different from Haruka - both brilliant swimmers with radically different approaches to their sport.
