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Hiyori Tono MBTI Personality Type

Hiyori Tono MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hiyori Tono? Hiyori Tono is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - sx/sp - 216 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

Fe is high and it shows both in his need to be validated by Ikuya (he does his best to be the perfect friend) and also in the way he uses emotional manipulation to keep Ikuya's ex(?) friends away. He's also deeply connected to his memories, most of his thoughts always go to the past, to what he lived, felt etc. and his Ne explains his interest in fairy tails and his need to transfigure his relationship with Ikuya into the Little Mermaid's story. Enneagram 2 because he's obsessed by being loved and sacrifice himself for another person.


Hiyori has an overprotective nature when it comes to Ikuya, but is generally upbeat and supportive when with him. However, when addressing Ikuya's former junior high swim team members, he is brash and outspoken, though his barbs are often said in a calm manner and with a disarming smile. Over the course of Free!-Dive to the Future-, Hiyori comes to terms with his negative feelings and becomes friends with Haruka Nanase, Makoto Tachibana, Asahi Shiina and Kisumi Shigino. He is a skilled backstroke swimmer.

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