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Hinata Tachibana MBTI Personality Type

Hinata Tachibana MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hinata Tachibana? Hinata Tachibana is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - sp/sx - 261 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

Any arguements for ISFJ? I'm not saying that she's not ESFJ, it's just that her Si is kinda strong too yk, but that could just be Si aux anyways. Still, there's a lot of Si. I also see how Ne backs up the Si. For the people who think Fi is exclusively thinking about what is right from wrong, Fe is about that too but of course objective and to others' values. I would also think that it would be 216 , but you do you. But yes she does show 1w2 as part of her gut triad (I haven't fully grasped on enneagram).


Hina has a very outgoing and upbeat personality who is highly optimistic and always finds ways to make undesirable situations better. Even when others become demoralized or despair, she remains strong in order to push them forward. Hina is deep down a very kind individual who can befriend others rather easily and looks out for others constantly. Her bright nature brings comfort and solace to others who rely on her for support. She can nonetheless be fairly terrifying when angered, Mikey was impressed by the strength of her slap and Takemichi was beaten down for infidelity.

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