Léa Seydoux MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Léa Seydoux? Léa Seydoux is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/sx - 947 in Enneagram, RLUAI in Big 5, in Socionics.

I don‘t see her Se as stronger as her Ne. I read an interview with her where she told that she loves just doing nothing and reflecting and thinking on things. This seems a lot like Se polr too me. She also said in this interview that she loves working with Wes Anderson, since she loves his abstract way of filmmaking, just having those unrealistic ideas and later realizing them step by step. Based on this Ne makes more sense than Se for her. Si and Ni is difficult to spot, but she seems to be quite meticulous and says her work gives her a certain routine and stability, which could be a desire fueled by tertiary Si. She is also good at playing INFP and Ixfp characters overall.


Léa Hélène Seydoux-Fornier de Clausonne (French pronunciation: [le.a sɛ.du] ( listen); born 1 July 1985), known professionally as Léa Seydoux, is a French actress. She began her acting career in French cinema, appearing in films such as The Last Mistress (2007) and On War (2008). She first came to attention after she received her first César Award nomination for her performance in The Beautiful Person (2008) and won the Trophée Chopard, an award given to promising actors at the Cannes Film Festival.

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