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Taeyeon (SNSD) MBTI Personality Type

Taeyeon (SNSD) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Taeyeon (SNSD)? Taeyeon (SNSD) is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sp - 946 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

I'm not sure why people think she has a strong Ne. Yeah she's quirky, cute and dorky, does weird things, but those are only stereotypes of Ne. True Ne is about being adaptive, thriving in ever-changing environments, preferring big picture over details and going with the flow without a need for planning. Taeyeon is the total opposite of that. She is extremely detail-oriented, always wants things to go as planned, likes routine etc. It is rather clear that her Si is stronger than her Ne. She also talked about trying to adopt a go with the flow attitude after she has reached 30. This is the typical development journey of an Si user trying to develop their Ne as they grow older. Edit: What I meant by Ne being adaptive was that, if Taeyeon preferred Ne over Si, she would be looking for possibilities, being unafraid of uncertainties, and be ok with things going a different way than she planned. But apparently, she hates things going off tangent. She fears environments that Ne users would usually love. I should have explained myself clearer.


Kim Tae-yeon, known mononymously as Taeyeon, is a South Korean singer. She was a trainee at SM Entertainment's Starlight Academy during her middle school years before debuting as the leader and main vocalist of the agency's girl group Girls' Generation in 2007. #Taeyeon

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