Tom Lucitor MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Tom Lucitor? Tom Lucitor is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sx/sp - 468 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

I always found myself gravitating towards him for reasons I couldn't explain but now upon rewatch I can see how much I related to him and still do, even if it used to be more of an unconcious thing. And funnily enough we have the same core enneagram, instinctual stacking and socionics type. The way his character feels like someone is calling me out ... I too have anger issues and have become obsessed with people like how Tom was obsessed with Star at the beggining of the show and assuming he was originally so clingy and unwilling to let go of Star cause of his loneliness (we know that before befriending Marco he had no friends) then that is something I can relate to as well, I have grown way too attached to certain people in my life sometimes and have had very intense relationships with those people due to my emotional volatility and me idealizing them due to my feelings of loneliness, I feel like someone finally sees me beyond my flaws and that makes me happy, this person becomes the center of my life but then before I knew it they are gone cause I drove them away and now I am back to my loneliness and my feelings for this person and their friends starts to fluctuate, I sometimes love them and try to show them I have changed, other times I can only think about the pain I am in cause of them and completely ignore any part I played on their decision to leave and start looking for people who are responsible for this and look to give them any sort of punishment I can think of. This character has shown me my ugly side but has also reminded me of my constant fight against my demons and my path towards self improvement and how I can make an effort to be deserving of the people who love me. Few characters have this impact on me.


Thomas Draconius "Tom" Lucitor is the demon prince of the Underworld and Star Butterfly's ex-boyfriend. Introduced as an antagonistic character to Marco Diaz, he has since become a recurring character and one of Marco's friends, fighting alongside the protagonists to create harmony.
