Pony Head MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Pony Head? Pony Head is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 783 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

y'all are just labeling her as ESFP because she's obnoxious and parties. are y'all forgetting that ESFP's aren't usually selfish? "ESTPs are highly energetic, ambitious, and independent people who don’t like being tied down by rules or conventions. They thrive on taking risks and pushing boundaries, as well as having a certain degree of freedom in their lives. This can often make them come across as selfish, as they often prioritize their own needs and goals above those of others. ESTPs may also be quite controlling when it comes to getting things done their way, which can sometimes make them seem dismissive or uncaring towards the feelings of others. Despite this, ESTPs can be incredibly generous and enthusiastic people who are always looking for new ways to challenge themselves and those around them." great description of ponyhead imo (think about the second episode where she only wanted to have star as her bestie and was being a horrible friend)


Princess Lilacia Pony Head, sometimes called Flying Princess Pony Head or just simply Pony Head, is a princess from the Cloud Kingdom of Mewni and one of Star Butterfly's best friends.
