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Saichi Sugimoto MBTI Personality Type

Saichi Sugimoto MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Saichi Sugimoto? Saichi Sugimoto is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/so - 862 in Enneagram, RLUAI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

i could see ISFP or ISTP tbh but where in the world are people getting INTJ.. he's dom or aux se for sure. aware of his environment, huge foodie, goes w the flow


Saichi Sugimoto, known as Sugimoto the Immortal, is the protagonist of Golden Kamuy and a war veteran of the Russo-Japanese War. While panning for gold in Hokkaido, Sugimoto learns of the tale of mysterious Ainu gold and sets on an adventure to find it while accompanying a young Ainu huntress Asirpa.

Anime & Manga Characters Similar to Saichi Sugimoto

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