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Otonoshin Koito MBTI Personality Type

Otonoshin Koito MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Otonoshin Koito? Otonoshin Koito is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sx/sp - 631 in Enneagram, SLOAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

"Te may also inspire ISFPs to “follow the rules” and “be responsible.” ISFPs who regularly indulge their Te may be so bent on being pious or responsible that they fail to spend sufficient time exploring and experiencing life (Se). And because responsibility is culturally endorsed as a positive virtue, they may fail to realize that being obsessed with it is actually quite unhealthy for them, forfeiting their openness to new experiences and potentially some degree of compassion (Fi). In the grip of Te, ISFPs can become rigid, particular, and dogmatic, appearing more like ESTJs than ISFPs. "ISFPs feel they have little control over the outside world. Like other IPs, ISFPs are known for their lack of assertiveness and conflict avoidance. This is partly due to their Fi’s desire to avoid hurting others’ feelings. It also relates to the fact that being “assertive” involves extraverted Judging, which for ISFPs, is in the inferior position (Te). So when it comes to expressing their judgments, they often avoid doing so directly. Instead, they may simply swallow the judgment and try to deal with its attendant feelings by way of their Fi. Or, they may address the issue more obliquely through action (Se)." read this and think about koito's childhood, his behaviour under tsurumi, and about when he discovered tsurumi manipulated him.



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