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Hyakunosuke Ogata MBTI Personality Type

Hyakunosuke Ogata MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hyakunosuke Ogata? Hyakunosuke Ogata is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 683 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

"Perceiving the world as dangerous, Self-Preservation Sixes seek friendly connections and alliances, and to do this they endeavor to be friendly, trustworthy, and supportive-as good allies are supposed to be. As Naranjo clarifies, not trusting themselves enough, they feel alone and incapable without outside support. Self-Preservation Sixes want to feel the embrace of the family, to be in a warm, protected place where there are no enemies. They search for an idealized other for protection, and they can have issues that look like separation anxiety. Like a child who needs to hold on to the mother, these Sixes don't feel confident in defending their own self-interests and survival" That is the description of the sp6, I'm pretty sure that doesn't fit him at all. I agree that he's a 6w5, but he's an sx6, counterphobic. I get that the name is misleading, but the description for that one is a lot more accurate for him and fits better with the 683 tritype. "The countertype of the Type Six subtypes, the Sexual Six is the most counterphobic Six, the one who turns against the passion of fear by assuming a stance of strength and intimidation. Instead of actively feeling fearful, these Sixes have an inner belief that when you are afraid, the best defense is a good offense. As Naranjo explains, anxiety in this Six is allayed by skill and readiness in the face of a possible attack. They often appear bold and even fierce. They go against danger assertively, and even aggressively, as a way of denying and coping with their (often unconscious) fear. Through denying their feelings of fear to one extent or another, Sexual Sixes go against danger from a position of strength; therefore, they have a passion for searching for or securing a position of strength. And it's not just a strong character they seek, but the kind of strength that makes somebody else afraid-they want to assume a powerful enough to hold the enemy at a distance. These Sixes display a forcefulness that comes from no wanting to be weak, and they don't allow for weakness in themselves."


Hyakunosuke Ogata (百之助 尾形) is a lone sniper and the former Superior Private of the 7th Division. Loyal only to himself, Ogata is pursuing the gold for his own reason, unknown to anyone. #KenjiroTsuda

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