Sean Bean MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Sean Bean? Sean Bean is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 163 in Enneagram, in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

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One does not simply describe Sean Bean. Shaun Mark "Sean" Bean (born 17 April 1959 in Handsworth, Yorkshire, England) is an English actor. Sean is renowned as a Mr. Fanservice (despite or because of his many roles as villains). He does not mind being considered 'a bit of rough' by the ladies. Apparently, the ladies are okay with that because he was voted the UK's second sexiest man in 2004. He's renowned as a Chronically Killed Actor. In fact, seeing Sean's name in the credits could almost be considered a spoiler, because it is almost certain that he will be a good guy who turns bad and then dies — or even just a major character who dies period. He even died twice in GoldenEye! Like many other British leading men, he purportedly wanted to become a professional footballer before he went into acting. His personal reputation for badassery has greatly benefited from reports of a major injury underreaction after an altercation in a pub.

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