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  3. The Good Place (2016)

Chidi Anagonye MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Chidi Anagonye? Chidi Anagonye is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 612 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

ISFJ voters are failing to see what inferior Fe actually is. Failing to make decisions is actually more tied into inferior Fe than inferior Ne. Why the hell would would inferior Ne struggle with decision-making when they have dominant Si? ISxJ have a set of notions that would neglect and not leave a lot of room for possibility. Ex: Shawn (ISTJ) sticking to the old ways of The Bad Place or Doug (ISFJ) being dead set on notion of The Good Place. You will see there’s a huge difference. If you shut out new possibilities, decision making actually isn’t that hard. Inferior Fe would be what would balance Ti by PRIORITIZING the decision making process. Which is actually FEELING. That’s what Chidi struggles with. He sees the possibilities and alternatives just fine, but that’s not what brings him stress. It’s CHOOSING that does so. He’ll break down the situation down (Ti), see how they might turn out (Ne) and back it up with sources of notions he has (Si), but making the external rational decisions (Fe) is when he’ll freak out and get a “tummy ache”. Because he’s disconnected from what he actually wants.


Chidi Anagonye (portrayed by William Jackson Harper) is a deceased French-speaking Nigerian-Senegalese professor of ethics and moral philosophy who taught at the Sorbonne. Although he has a kind and supportive nature, his inability to make choices frequently leaves him overanxious and indecisive. Assigned as Eleanor's soulmate in Michael's first Good Place experiment, he gives her ethics lessons in an attempt to make her a better person.

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