Millie Bobby Brown MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Millie Bobby Brown? Millie Bobby Brown is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 in Enneagram, SLOAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

She is so charismatic and charming. There is no way I could deal with so much negativity towards me like she does, especially in her teen years (we are around the same age). She’s a really brave girl. From her interviews I can see some good Ne, she’s always spouting off some ideas or conversation starters. And Fe is clear too, she bounces off of other people so well and can read a room. “I'm keeping the pixie. I hope I inspire people...“ “I don't care what I look like; it's how people think of me. And I do care how people think of me. I want people to say, 'Oh, she's nice,' rather than, 'Oh, she's so pretty.'“ “For some reason, I like seeing people feel emotional.“ “I love my art. But I genuinely want to change the world. I'm very generous, and I really want people to see that I am - that's really it.“ It seems almost all her choices are decided on the external feelings of other people. Superrr Fe. I think she is a 3 core. She’s very focused on her success and uses this success to make others admire her, rather then caring more about using close relationships to make others like her like a 2 core would. But I can see 2 core as well, if anyone would like to argue I’m down.


Millie Bobby Brown (born 19 February 2004) is an English actress and model. She rose to prominence for her role as Eleven in the Netflix science fiction drama series Stranger Things, for which she earned a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series at age 13. She is also the youngest person ever to feature on TIME 100 list.

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