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  2. Cartoons
  3. Hey Arnold! (1996)

Arnold Shortman MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Arnold Shortman? Arnold Shortman is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 295 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

I think he’s a pretty well written character and has really well developed Fe. Self-sacrificial tendencies, subconsciously knows how people around him feel. He’s literally a f***ing 9 year old who is unrealistically mature lol. An INFJ’s healthy Fe should serve to recoup for inferior Se by helping Ni to understand why it is important to gather more factual data and evidence to verify ones intuitions about people and the world, rather than immediately rejecting certain perspectives in favor of keeping with one’s established vision or ideals. Arnold uses Ni which can understand the benefits of using intuition to achieve greater social harmony and returned appreciation. When he was helping Stoop Kid, he wasn’t bullying him like what the other kids did. Instead, he helped him out because he knew Stoop Kid had problems about leaving his stoop. I think Arnold subconsciously knew that Helga had a crush on him but didn’t know what to say fearing that he’d be overwhelmed. The show gave off little hints so I’m guessing that is the case. Because Arnold has healthy Fe, Arnold throughout the show also enhances the ability to reach greater levels of insight and compassion by making Ni more attuned to the underlying truths that bind people together and adapting one’s goals to them more appropriately. Gerald: Why do you always have to look at the bright side? Arnold: Somebody has to.


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