Robb Stark MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Robb Stark? Robb Stark is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - so/sx - 163 in Enneagram, SCOAN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

Interesting comment section so he cant be a te dom because he is not a machiavellian and puts hOnR before rEaSon lol. Well selfish utilitarian thinking is not what Te at least when you are not a sociopath is about especially with si aux one can develop a certain way of thinking how things should be an external structure beyond personal passion that is te. On the other hand where does he exactly show honor before reason that everyone talks about? He certainly did put lust before honor by marrying Talisa and breaking his oath with Frey that is what got him killed and not his honor. See this is it the thing with te doms speaking out of experience if I truely am one myself with all the perceived dispassionate matter of fact style and demanding that of others we can be truely hypocritical and Robb even acknowledges and excuses this when he wants Edmure to marry Roslin Frey in a desperate way to secure the alliance with House Frey. So I think Show Robb is ESTJ but the book Robb is ISTJ since the whole Talisa thing doesnt happen there and his engagement with Jeyne is truely honor before reason which is more suited for ISTJ but show Robb is too forceful and ultimately hypocritical for not having inf fi.


