Akame MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Akame? Akame is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 612 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Decided to rewrite my comment because first one was sloppy: I surprised most of the ISTP arguments were born from the events of AgK Zero (which is weird, her Si is more prominent in manga) Dom Si: Her improvement is based on her habits/practises With her battle in Wave (manga) she hits the same spot of armor again and again because she knew that's the one technique that killed her teammate in AgK Zero While chasing Merraid she "follows her" by not knowing which path she took because she know "how she thinks", means she knows she used to live like her and accustomed her impulses to run like her -> Dom Si, gathering the info, storing inside Aux Te: Taking the temporary captain role of both teams Inf Fi: Deciding to save Tatsumi, then reflecting that to Aux Te Whole show explains her Fi lmaoo It's just obvious that she prioritiez facts before doing anything else, which is similar to ESTJ except she values her past. SiTe= ISTJ, TiSe= ISTP, almost none of her actions can be classified under Ti umbrella. She reflects her Si-based tactics to Te. Even ESTJ makes more sense than ISTP and she is introverted ESTJ who makes statements without feelings so she gets punched by Leone whenever she opens her mouth and says the dumbest thing about that particular social event or whatever. If you still intend for ISTP go back studying psychology because she is the most textbook ISTJ you could ever witness.

