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Seryu Ubiquitous MBTI Personality Type

Seryu Ubiquitous MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Seryu Ubiquitous? Seryu Ubiquitous is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 162 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

She doesn't use TI and I hate her She use Only FE-SI-NE Maybe ESTJ but, she talk like ESFJ and she always, take decisions in the name of empire, doing it in the name of peace, union, love !, and protect empire "Purge the evil of the world and eliminate people who are against the empire" Unheatly TI, and SI- NE very intense and blind



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