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Yukimura Keiko MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yukimura Keiko? Yukimura Keiko is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 126 in Enneagram, SLOAN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

This girl gave Yusuke a hard time, but it also seemed to be his main stigma for the fights to have more intensity, bringing an extra-emotional motivation (practically supportive, XD) so that Yusuke remains firm, at the same time, focused on one field of battle in facing the completely implacable and indomitable beasts of the field. Extra comment as an observation: She is not Ef(S) (for the same reason as Yusuke that I already described, then read the comment below in the description), because an ef(s) (in this case ESFP, XD) tend to be more spontaneous and less focused on discipline or more relevant things in life, and Keiko seemed to be someone divergent, as she herself was focused on her studies and also had a certain preparation to "help" (only in extra-emotional support, as I already described) Yusuke on the battlefield he faced in the dark tournament in a more specific mode. Link: https://www.personality-database.com/comment/8957422?profileID=3053


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