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Kuwabara Kazuma MBTI Personality Type

Kuwabara Kazuma MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kuwabara Kazuma? Kuwabara Kazuma is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sx/so - 628 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

I can kind of see why Kuwabara has ESFJ votes but this man is pure Se dom. I've been rewatching the show recently in japanese audio and it feels clear as day to me. I just think people have a habit of categorizing male characters with big hearts as Fe doms or the like but Kuwabara is 100% guided by his Se and Fi, just because he cares about his friends and happens to be the most moral character out of the main group doesn't automatically equal Fe esp when he doesn't live his life like that at all. Kuwabara always does what HE thinks is right no matter what the group is saying. Some of his biggest moments are him charging forward, even to certain death because he refuses to back down for some inner moral reason or because he has to challenge himself. This screams Se dom to me.


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