Sophie Turner MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Sophie Turner? Sophie Turner is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sx/sp - 692 in Enneagram, RLOAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

She said in an interview that she was happy to be quarantined because she is an introvert


#SophieTurner (born 21 February 1996) is an English actress. Turner made her professional acting debut as Sansa Stark on the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones (2011–present), which brought her international recognition.Turner starred in the television film The Thirteenth Tale (2013) and she made her feature film debut in Another Me (2013). She starred in the action comedy Barely Lethal (2015) and portrays a young Jean Grey / Phoenix in the X-Men film series.
