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Tony Tony Chopper MBTI Personality Type

Tony Tony Chopper MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Tony Tony Chopper? Tony Tony Chopper is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 621 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Look at Chopper's psychology within the crew: he tries really really hard to look like the others. And it doesn't just come from a lonely past, a Fi user would still try to affirm their own individuality, while Chopper never does this. He wants Zoro to think he is strong, he wants Usopp to think he is funny, he wants Nami to think he is reliable, etc. Chopper is constantly pulled by the desire to appease the people around him, that is Fe auxiliary(paired with a timid character). His inferior Ne also comes out in his extreme naivety, believing literally anything anyone tells him, and being very easily drawn towards panic.


A young, naive, and adorable reindeer who consumed the Human-Human Fruit (Hito Hito no Mi), giving him sapience and a humanoid form. After a series of mishaps, he was adopted by quack doctor Hiriluk (and later mentored by grand doctor Kureha), becoming an expert doctor. He joined the Straw Hats to fulfill his dreams of becoming a doctor that can cure any disease, and to become his own reindeer/man.

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