Judi Dench MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Judi Dench? Judi Dench is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - - 125 in Enneagram, RLUAN in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

• Dench: "[I do things that] push me to a kind of dangerous edge. There is something in me that needs that." • "I think it is our business to do as many things as we can." • "I like to do something that's not expected, or predictable." • [Asked why she doesn't read her scripts]: "I know [acting] is about preparation for a lot of people, but I like to feel real fear." – [Pierce on the ISTJ]: "The word I like to use for the ISTJ is “solidifying”, with a very specific meaning attached to it. I have found that part of the principal driving force behind ISTJs is preparation for the future... Anything that they believe in must be submitted to meticulous testing and research to determine if it will serve reliably as they venture into the storm of the future... The ISTJ is solidifying, thoroughly determining the reliability of things in patient preparation for the unpredictable future through factual and practical research.


Dame Judith Olivia Dench CH, DBE, FRSA (born 9 December 1934)[1] is an English actress. Dench made her professional debut in 1957 with the Old Vic Company. Over the following few years, she performed in several of Shakespeare's plays, in such roles as Ophelia in Hamlet, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, and Lady Macbeth in Macbeth. Although most of her work during this period was in theatre, she also branched into film work and won a BAFTA Award as Most Promising Newcomer. She drew strong reviews for her leading role in the musical Cabaret in 1968. Over the next two decades, Dench established herself as one of the most significant British theatre performers, working for the National Theatre Company and the Royal Shakespeare Company.

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