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  3. King of the Hill

Kahn Souphanousinphone MBTI Personality Type

Kahn Souphanousinphone MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kahn Souphanousinphone? Kahn Souphanousinphone is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 387 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.


Kahn Souphanousinphone (born September 15, 1957), is one of the Hill's neighbors who lives with his wife Minh and daughter Connie. He is voiced by Toby Huss. Kahn stands at 5'6". He lives with his wife Minh and his daughter Connie next door to the Hill Family. Kahn works in the information technology industry as a systems analyst. He originates from Luang Prabang, Laos. Kahn usually tries to push Connie to date Ted's son, Chane, rather than her dating Bobby, as he fears Bobby will drag her down from her studies and future. Kahn has a love-hate relationship with his Rainey Street neighbors, often insulting them by calling them "Rednecks" and "Hillbillies" and displaying a superiority complex, and other times showing kindness. He doesn't especially have friends in the neighborhood, most wanting to avoid him completely (even Bill) and being delighted when something bad happens to him. He does seem to be neutral to Boomhauer, as Boomhauer usually isn't the ringleader or causes problems.

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